Growth stimulators for the healthy development of the whole plant
Growth stimulators (or growth regulators) are substances that affect the healthy development of the whole plant or any part of it, all the way from germination to seed maturation. Growth regulators can be of natural origin, in which case they are mainly phytohormones. However, they might also be artificial substances which often act by blocking the function or the transport of phytohormones in a plant and can therefore be thought of as growth regulators in a stricter sense.
Our plant growth stimulators are the result of long-term research in laboratories. Biosfor is a purely Czech manufacturer of plant growth regulators and other auxiliary agents for primary agricultural production. All of our products are patent-protected and boast the Czech Product label.
Growth regulators can be roughly divided into growth stimulators and growth inhibitors, depending on their function. The division is inaccurate since each stimulator may have an inhibitory effect in certain cases and each inhibitor may inhibit one kind of process but stimulate another.
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Why shop with us
- Trials of our products, conducted at certified testing sites, have long shown an appreciable to significantly positive effect on crop yield.
- In comparative trials with competing products, our products typically perform better than the competition.
- Our portfolio includes high-quality products for plant growth stimulation which boast the Czech Product licence.
M-Sunagreen, our product, has been used to treat about 80% of the total opium poppy cultivation area in the Czech Republic.
Uses of growth stimulators and regulators
Growth regulators affect the healthy development of the whole plant or any part of it, all the way from germination to seed maturation. These substances may be of natural origin, in which case they are actually phytohormones. Artificial substances often block the function or the transport of phytohormones in a plant. They can therefore be considered growth regulators in a stricter sense.
Depending on their function, regulators can be divided into growth stimulators and growth inhibitors. However, each growth stimulator can also have an inhibitory effect in certain cases and each inhibitor inhibits one kind of process but can stimulate another. That means we could consider this division to be inaccurate.
An established plant growth and development stimulator designed to optimise the number of productive cereal tillers and increase quality yield. It can also be used to increase the yield and quality of sugar beets and potatoes.
Intended use: spring barley, winter cereals, rapeseed, potatoes, sugar beet, sunflowers, soybean, opium poppy
A newly introduced, highly effective plant growth and development stimulator with primary use on rapeseed, opium poppy, sunflowers and in the higher developmental stages of other crops, especially cereals and corn.
Intended use: rapeseed, corn, sunflower, opium poppy
A tried-and-tested plant growth and development stimulator traditionally used on rapeseed before the start of flowering and more recently in the early development stages of winter and spring cereals, or as part of less intensive production technologies.
Intended use: spring barley, winter cereals, rapeseed
Stimulátor růstu a vývoje rostlin určený k zajištění rychlejšího a jistějšího vývoje rostlin v počátečních vývojových fázích s formulací vyhovující použití jako součást mořící kapaliny.
Určení: ječmen jarní, obiloviny ozimé, řepka olejná, mák, kukuřice